Practical Guide for the Publication of Spatial Data


A spatial data or geographical data is that data that has a geographical reference associated with it, either directly, through coordinates, or indirectly, such as a postal code. Thanks to these geographic references, you can locate your exact location on a map. The European Union includes spatial data among data sets that can be considered of high value, due to its “considerable benefits for society, the environment and the economy, in particular due to its suitability for the creation of valuable services added, applications and new jobs ”. There are many examples of the potential reuse of this type of data. For example, the data provided by the Copernicus Earth Observation system have served to create tools to monitor areas susceptible to fires or help stop drug trafficking. For this reason it is important that spatial data be created in a way that facilitates its availability, access, interoperability and application.

A large amount of open data managed by public administrations can be georeferenced, thus maximizing its value. To help public administrations when publishing this type of information openly, within the framework of the Aporta Initiative, this “Practical Guide for the publication of Spatial Data” has been prepared. It has been developed by Carlos de la Fuente García, an expert in open data, and has had the collaboration of the National Center for Geographic Information (National Geographic Institute), as well as the contributions and suggestions of a large number of experts in the field.